Friday, December 30, 2011

Paris... Oui Oui

Tomorrow morning I am waving a fond farewell to my parents as I head off to Paris for New Years Eve with a group of friends.  It will be bitter sweet since I will not see my parents again for at least 6 months so I'm sure there will be tears on their behalf and lots of hugging at the airport.  I wasn't able to get as much time off work as I hoped in the past 2 months so have only seen them for about 2 weeks in total.  Then it is back to the travellers life for me... more on that later.  In the meantime I am looking forward to crepes and macaroons, lemon citron tarts and walks beside the Seine, the flea markets and catching up with my old housemate!   

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland has to be one of the most exciting and tacky things that happens during the Christmas season in London.  It's claim is that it is a Christmas market but it's more like a Christmas theme park set up in Hyde Park and although it is over run with fete type rides and games it is an amazing place to catch up with friends before the mad rush of Christmas.  A big group of friends and I went for mulled wine and bratwurst earlier in the month and chatted about the hope of a white Christmas!

Monday, December 26, 2011


At the beginning of December I somehow managed to get a weekend off work and head to Hamburg, Germany with a couple friends to see the Christmas Markets.  Hamburg as a city was very quiet but the markets well and truly made up for it.  They were quite large and filled with lots of different goodies- nutcrackers, mulled wine, little hand made villages, children's toys, a christmas shop and hand brot!

It's Christmas Day!

It's Christmas Day! I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas Day!  My family and I have just finished our traditional lunch and are now sitting comfortably on the couch watching some of the DVD's that I bought Mum and Dad.  I had a wonderful surprise present today- an Apple iPad!  I was happily in bliss with my husky dog beanie, perfume and chocolate and then out of nowhere I unwrapped an iPad!  Tonight will be filled with eating leftovers and watching Love Actually for hundredth time as soon as my Dad falls asleep in the chair!

Our view for Christmas

Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's been a while but Merry Christmas!

It's been a while since I posted and mostly it's because of the major changes which are happening at the moment.  It's no excuse but life has been crazy!  Now that it's Christmas Eve and it's time to slow down and relax I can finally get back in to the swing on things.  I'll try and catch up on all the things you have missed in the past month over the next couple weeks as well as all the new things (of which there will be many!).  But for now I hope you have a wonderful and bright Christmas filled with lots of laughter and joy.  Merry Christmas Eve!

Our Christmas Tree this year- a smaller version since we're travelling

Raclette Cheese

My first dinner with my parents after months of them travelling- yum!

A traditional Swiss meal- Racelette
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